Employment resources and coaching to find sustainable employment in Ontario:
Assessment of skills, interests and abilities
Job search strategies and support, including resume development and interview preparationInformation about careers and occupations, local labour market, employment opportunities
Help in maintaining employment
Information and referral to other employment and community services
All services at this site can be tailored to meet the needs of individual client groups
Eligibility: Individuals of legal working age; must be resident of Ontario and eligible to work in Canada
Our Transition to Employment for Newcomers program is designed to help make finding a job easier for newcomers seeking employment, including internationally trained professionals and tradespeople. it includes individual coaching, linking to resources and employment workshops to assist in identifying employment pathways, prepare for job search and develop skills needed to succeed. If you want to look at all of the workshops we have planned for this month, click here.
The Women in Food and Customer Services program helps women gain the knowledge and skills needed to get a job in the customer service/food service sectors. Under this program, our team will give you the tools and information you need about the job market trends and job search tools and show you how to promote yourself and your skills to employers. Some topics you will be learning about in this course include
· Customer service and food sector-based labor market trends
· Food and customer service workplace environment
· Customer service essentials
· How to use a cash register
· Food handling certification
· Understanding employer hiring and screening practices
· Job Maintenance
If you are an internationally trained professional, the TRIEC Mentoring Partnership could be for you. This program helps newcomer professionals reconnect to their chosen careers with the help of a mentor who works in their field in Canada.
The TRIEC Mentoring Partnership will help newcomers to:
· Gain a local reference and expand your professional network
· Find bridging Programs
· Connect to one-on-one mentoring
· Understand the current labour market trends and get exposed to Canadian workplace culture
"Program has proved to be a wealth of information"- David K.
"I appreciate the time you took helping me build a winning resume that landed me a job" - Thomas B.
"Thank you for your assistance in organizing myself toward getting goals set, which helped me get the job in health care I have always wanted" - Ben K.
"I just want to thank you for coaching and employment preparation. I was more confident during interviews and have been hired by CIBC. I would definitely recommend the program to newcomers to Canada and refer a friend of mine in need for job search assistance." - Emily S.